Comfortable Yacht Concept “Tofi”

Concept of yacht for minimalistic but yet comfortable rest called Tofi was created by designer Hyun-Seok Kim had won the first place in the concest 2011 “Dreamboat” Millennium Yacht Design Award . Dreamboat has a living room-studio intended to spend on it most of the time allocated on a sea voyage, two bedrooms with excellent views of the water spaces, separated shower. From the common room you can go to the large terrace designed for dances, talk or just chit-chatting. On sunny days it can be used as private beach. On the other side of Tofi there is a small glass room with a hole in the floor for fishing in all weather conditions. Also there is another, completly unexpected place for relax – the roof. Here you can find a small playground with a couple of benches, tables and a barbeque. Also it has access to the diving board.

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